6 tips to build your capsule wardrobe.

1. Identify yourself - what do you work with, what are your activitys after work/on the weekends etc. When you think about that, you also think about what you often wear to each occasion and what you need a bit more of. For example let's say you're a real estate, therefore, you need more black pants and blazers in your wardrobe rather than let's say, jeans! So start with identify what you always reach for and start to build it from there.
2. Declutter - You shouldn't have too many items in your wardrobe, so be hard on yourself and simply give away or sell the items that often are left hanging in your closet. If you haven't used it much before, why would you now? Ask a friend to join you and get her/his help and make a day of it!
3. Work with what you have and take your time - After your declutter, don't go buy a lot of new items that you think works with your wardrobe, work with what you have for about three months and then think about what item(s) you feel like your missing and then buy that. Then you're doing your wallet and the enviorment a favor.
4. Stay true to yourself - Always remember not to be tempted to by the items that are on trend for the moment, even if you're inspired by others that has it and styles it well. Think twice, is this really you? Or are you just getting jiggy with it? Buy pieces that you know will be in your wardrobe for years and years.
5. Treat your clothes as your (best) friend - Aim for a life long friendship when buying clothes, or at least until you grow apart. Remember that many friendships grows stronger year by year.
6. Don't be afraid - of not having the latest ''it'' items or for being an outfit-repeater, it's nothing wrong with that! You can style your favourite pants in sooo many ways! (Pinterest is great for inspo) Again your wallet and the enviorment will thank you, once again.
That was that! My best tips to start building your capsule wardrobe. In no way am I a pro on this. I've been working on my capsule for about a year now and I'm not done in any way, but I choose what to but more consious and a second thought I like sharing my thoughts tips and journey on this, I hope you'll join me!